Hello. I'm Christopher,(A.K.A. A Few Different Artist Names in The Music Business), I'm a Songwriter, Musician,Performance Artist, Producer ForHire Or Collaboration Sessions.
If you are an artist(up and coming) or industry established Looking For Your Next Big Hit, Or just a solo artist or band looking for A Timeless Melody and Song to add to your catalog, Hire Me for your next studio project. Also for your next writing session for a collaboration to create what you need to have a great sounding catchy song with mainstream hit potential, reach out and get in touch with me to arrange a consultation to discuss what you 're looking for out of my services. I can easily work with you at local meetups with me in Philadelphia Pa(specific areas for example, South Philly, Fishtown, Port Richmond, Greater NorthEast and Center City) also many surrounding areas such as Delaware CountyPA(My Main Area) Go DELCO!!!;))). Also In areas like, Chester County PA, Bucks County PA, Montgomery County PA, And Parts of South Jersey(Camden ,Gloucester County)Ocean City N.J. are all local for me, so I can easily work with you if you 're in or around these areas. I Am Also Looking For A job In The Industry. I am willing to Relocate Or Travel. Or you can just Become A Fan Of My Music, Listening Is Free! Thank You;) The Music On This Site Is Only A Sample Of My Catalog. I have so much more to offer already in full song format completed and ready to go!

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