Christopher, A Songwriter, Musician, Performer and Producer
Some Of The Story
We started as a statement against the sloppy professional standards that dominated the field of construction services 20 years ago. We wanted to set a new, high standard and work as consultants, solving our client's problems.
With a love for Music from a very young age starting back at home at a really young age playing my first Synthesizer I got which was probably around age 10, I started to dabble playing melodies and listening to the great music my mother used to listen to and would try to play it on the Keyboard. My Mother Sent Me To Piano Lessons To Some Lady in the neighborhood, but I hated it because she tried to teach me all things I didn't want to learn to play. But I loved going to her house and playing her piano. She had some kind of bad arthritis in her hands and could barley play but she meant well when she was smacking me in the back of my head for not wanting to play classical music and crab walking those fingers across those keys even with that arthritis , (Man she had some spunk) They don't make piano teachers like that everyday!
And at that age I was In Grade School as well and also had a Piano teacher who I truly believe was my first really hard crush in life, She really made jeans seem worth looking at!. Anyway , she was a very spunky teacher as well and used to pound music into my head even if she'd yell at me, but it was all positive with her. She loved that I wanted to learn from her and always showed up paying attention for class. The other kids in her music class used to sit their and fart out loud and make fun of her singing. In grade school during recess when you were supposed to be letting it all out getting away from the books, I hung around playing the piano in the auditorium practicing what she volunteered me and wanted me to do(play the piano at our graduation ceremony at the end of the year) plus what else I could slip in of my own on the piano.The other kids were out in the school yard running around playing sports and didn't't give a hoot about any graduation ceremony stuff or anything else but running around going nuts for a few minutes until they had to go back to class.I was no older than 11 or twelve then and was already very dedicated to the music and learning all I could and playing whatever was channeling through me into the melodies and chords...
Because I was so into music, my mother went above and beyond to get me into a high school after grade school graduation that you had to test into(by being musically inclined to get into) not a lot of kids got into that school back then. My mother pushed me to be positive about them testing me and also pushed me to lose the stage fright I had in from of those big wig ultra pro musician teachers that tested you that I had to perform in front of to get in to the school.It was a music based academic high school where music was the major and academics ran along side it which I was fortunate to attend for a period of time, which in turn also lead me to a college level program afterwards where I encountered some great industry known teachers.
By the way at the 8th grade graduation ceremony at my grade school went great. The whole neighborhood gave a standing ovation at the local catholic church where I played "The Greatest Love Of All" on the piano for our graduation class ceremony send off. My mother also bought me my first really great synthesizer back then a Roland U-20 it was about 1200 bucks and that was allot of money in the 80's , my mother was a bank teller that made $6 dollars an hour I don't know how she did it but her love for music definitely passed on to me so I think it meant just as much to her as it did for me.
Thanks Mom! My mother is in her 70's with two bad knees and she still goes all over to concerts. She is a Music loving trooper! My father was into music as well he used to love playing vinyl (great rock music)but he wanted me to join the military(not play music) which I never did join the military and sometimes regret these days. I have all the respect in the world for our military service and what it does for financially aiding education as well.
To sum up that story in my own sorta way, "I didn't graduate from either school fully" I did take a test afterwards to get diplomas though and also acquired associates degree level college credits. I just never went and registered to graduate for the college certificate ceremony another thing I regret because I never continued with college. Education is so important and so is continuing education. All my faith was always in the Music! I thought I was going places with it. I never knew what it really takes to make it. And that is a break beyond talent and Education. But thats another story.
Although I learned so much from so many different musicians and teachers I met along the way, I was to into Music to focus on anything or anyone else for too long(lol). So I rebelled a bit. I was more into being with my bandmates and working on and writing and practicing music. And anything I learned or acquired after that was all (self taught) and developed though music and musicians I was inspired by but mostly from about age 22 and on, it was all me doing all the teaching to myself about creating music. My own love and passion for the music honed my own skillset. And as I mentioned though Gods good graces a lot of it came natural and I am very thankful for it to be blessed with the knack for writing songs.
I got to the point where I am writing all the music and lyrics, the melodies, playing all the instruments and producing the music on my own as a solo artist and writer, which was also the outcome of years of developing my natural God given talent. But You know, there's always somebody better, greater, more talented out there, and that's Okay in my world, those are the real inspirations for me! I never envy! I adore and admire and respect! To me everyone and everything in music that was a genuine God given natural force in it was always an inspiration and a learning experience.
The downside to it all? "MUSIC" hasn't done much for me in life career wise or financially. Most people that learn there trade or use there natural talents from a young age developing there skills and building a rapport through schooling, education, and in the industry experience, this usually will basically become there livelihood throughout there lives. And usually, they see something out of it by now at my age or long before for that matter.Although in my defense I never really took that shot and really went for it besides a few songs and networking attempts about ten years ago on the net through some music networking sites. And its always been " All About The Music" not earning a living from it for me through the story of it all. So if I really would have went for it who knows , maybe I would have had a Financially Gainful Career in it by now ! But in this industry from what I have experienced and what I know though others experiences in this industry, it really truly is who you know where you know! You really need that break through some kind of formal introduction to the right industry people.So many great musicians and writers will never be heard and that really saddens me. True Talent should always be known to the world! If it were up to me the world would hear from all of them and hear there music!
So basically I am here and out there again atthis point in my life trying to make my mark finally. To get my music and my passion for it out to the world. Hopefully bringing that magic to the ears of any and all who will listen for a meaningful message to pass on, or to just make them feel like dancing and singing, and enjoying life as much as they can for the moment that they are caught up in the music, And whenever they listen, again and again and again for that matter;)
Also I am here and out there with hopes as well looking for a Publishing deal(I am self Published at this point), or a record company with an up and coming artist that may need songs to add to there breakout album. Maybe I can work for another writer or a producer, studio or touring musicians even to add to there team. I would love to work for a studio at any level, write , produce, create , collaborate, or just find fans for my music to SupportMySongwriting who just love to listen to music for pleasure, peace and harmony. I need a real financially gainful career job! And I can assure you I can definitely pull my weight in the Music making world! I'll let me sound resume which is my catalog of songs be the reference. It's large and versatile and waiting to be heard.
Anyway , what's that Cliche' " Thats it in a Nutshell" I never knew what that meant my whole life lol I think I am referring to it right tho when I say that here. Although there is so much more to the story., To much to Tell unless I wrote a series of books. BT , Which the way I type, it would be much better told as a Podcast lol. Maybe sometime in the future. I'll keep Y'all Posted!;)
And hey, If you're not an industry pro stopping by that I pitched myself to for hire and you just stumbled onto the music though me promoting my songs for listeners, Check out the music a lot of the story is in it. Give the music a listen, Relate to the message.I hope you enjoy what I do and that the Music makes you feel happy , chill and excited all at the same time while in tune to it .Maybe you can relate to the lyrics or just love the melody or want to dance to the beat or sing along after you've listened a bunch of times. I hope you experience all those things that comes with the magic of the sound of music when it touches the heart and the soul in those touching ways that music can do for anyone who truly loves to unwind listening to it.
Best Wishes For Peace , Love, And Happiness From My Heart To All...With Much Love Attached, Christopher

Christopher, Professional Songwriter, Musician And Producer